Mercedes Benz

Easter Wonderland – Full Digital Experience

Mercedes Benz is one of the key clients in ViDe Insight group. In 2021 Easter, the brand launches the Easter Wonderland event and appoints ViDe team to handle the full interactive journey to engage the event visitors. Customers need to fill in the personal information on the RSVP website to get the event digital pass first. Then customers can take the digital pass QR code to visit the brand showroom to activate the game pass. Customers can find the Easter bear QR code to unlock the checkpoint, when scan the QR code, will show the questionnaire on the web page, need to respond the correct answer to pass the checkpoints, and the final task customers need to illustrate the Easter egg in the workshop zone when customers finish the art piece, helpers will assist the customers to output as the digital version.

Client /
Zung Fu Hong Kong

Role /
User Interface & Production
Game Program Development
Hardware Rental
Event venue technical support



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